Bilma Business Center

An office building standing out for offering premium quality work spaces.
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The Bilma business center in Madrid is the perfect example of how Daikin can guarantee a complete HVAC solution including ventilation, air conditioning, hot water production, underfloor heating, integrated system control and remote monitoring.


7x Daikin D-AHU Modular R/P

Daikin VRVs

I-Touch Manager

Daikin on Site


Daikin was involved in the Bilma project to replace an old HVAC system which was no longer meeting modern standards both in terms of energy efficiency and regulations.

The Bilma building is essentially an office building, a business center offering modern office space to companies and businesses that, of course, deserve great comfort and indoor air quality standards.

Among the main aspects that determined consultants’ choice to go with Daikin as a supplier for this project, energy efficiency and compliance with regulations were definitely very important.

Daikin not only managed to meet the end user needs in terms of energy efficiency thanks to the advanced technology, but also managed to meet needs in terms of footprint of the units. In fact, being this project a replacement project, it was crucial that the units supplied could fit the existing space destined to the HVAC plant


The solution provided by Daikin includes 7 high efficiency air handling units, one per each floor of the 6-storey business center, plus 1 more air handling unit to ensure the cafeteria has the needed air exchange rate. The 7 air handling units guarantee perfect indoor air quality in the building.

Besides air handling units, the system also includes VRV, to provide the necessary cooling for air conditioning, and heating for both the underfloor heating and hot sanitary water. The system also offers the I-Touch Manager to efficiently control the entire building from one centralised interface with the Daikin Building Management System (BMS), and Daikin on Site, for remote monitoring and control.
