Healthcare Estates
Experts by experience
Daikin Applied UK is the main supplier of HVAC equipment to healthcare facilities. We have supplied over 1000 hospitals in the UK and internationally, giving us a wealth of expertise. In fact, over 60% of our AHUs in the UK are sold into healthcare facilities.
HTM-03-01 Experts
Our engineers are well versed in the stringent requirements of HTM-03-01.
We have supplied over 1000 AHUs to healthcare facilities, giving us a wealth of knowledge and expertise.
Our HTM 03-01 guidance experts ensure that our solutions comply with the regulation, and lead the way on innovation for specialised ventilation equipment for healthcare premises.
For any queries or advice on your healthcare or HTM needs, please get in touch.
CPD and Training
AHU Compliance to HTM-03-01 (2021)
Learning objectives:
- Understand what HTM-03-01 is and why its important.
- Understand the main changes to the guidance vs the 2007 issue.
- Understand the main design expectations from the latest guidance with regards to AHU’s.
- Understand the risks of poor AHU design – non-compliant solutions.
- Understand DAPUK’s AHU solutions & how they comply to the latest HTM-03-01 guidance.
HTM-03-01 Compliant AHUs
- HTM 03-01 compliant solutions
- Air flow up to 39.5 m3 /s
- Unlimited flexibility in size
- Dual skin construction with anodized frame Euroclass A compliant & up to C5M corrosion resistance
- High efficiency EC motors with plug & socket connections
- BS EN 1886 T2/TB2 Thermal bridging/transmittance
- AHU casing with leakage rate up to BS EN 1886 L1 (-400pa/+700pa)
- Eurovent certified solution
- Manufactured in the UK

Download our latest Healthcare brochure
Our expert engineers have scrutinised the latest HTM-03-01 (2021) guidelines to give you clear and concise guidance on AHU compliance and design.
Turnkey Solutions
Daikin Applied UK are an applied business with complete turnkey solutions for your healthcare premises.
We supply AHUs, Chillers, Heat Pumps, VRV and split systems.
Including factory acceptance testing of all chillers and AHU’s, site works and services.
Through Daikin Applied Service we offer service and maintenance on all brands of HVAC systems and applied solutions.

Service and Maintenance
Through Daikin Applied Service we maintain and service a broad range of assets including Chillers, AHU’s, VRV and Split systems…On all brands of HVAC systems and applied system solutions
We provide a rapid response 24/7/365 on all our services, including maintenance, call-outs, rentals and repairs.

Rental Services
Cooling & heating rental solutions for planned outages or unplanned emergencies.
Daikin Rental Services deliver reliable rental solutions, applications expertise, and responsive support.
As a building owner, facilities engineer or manager, you are always planning for “what ifs.” Not to mention grappling with actual building emergencies.
We offer complete support that includes everything you need – from chillers and Air Handling units to heat and power.

Indoor Air Quality
Maintaining good IAQ is of the upmost importance in your healthcare premises.
HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems play a crucial role.
Here at Daikin Applied, we have several solutions:
- Heating and ventilation solutions
- Remote monitoring solutions
- Service and maintenance solutions
- Refurbishment solutions

Book our CPD
AHU Compliance to HTM-03-01 (2021)
- Understand what HTM-03-01 is and why its important.
- Understand the main changes to the guidance vs the 2007 issue.
- Understand the main design expectations from the latest guidance with regards to AHU’s.
- Understand the risks of poor AHU design – non-compliant solutions.
- Understand DAPUK’s AHU solutions & how they comply to the latest HTM-03-01 guidance.