Heat Pump and Chiller Market Trends

A Daikin Applied (UK) CPD Training Session

Understand the Future of Heating and Cooling Technology


The heating and cooling market is evolving rapidly with the push towards net zero and fossil fuel phase-out. From refrigerant legislation to the latest in heat pump and chiller technologies, this CPD explores the key market drivers shaping the future of HVAC.

This session by Daikin Applied (UK) gives professionals a clear understanding of current and future solutions, system selection strategies, and the broader impact of F-Gas and PFAS regulations.

Why Attend?

Understand how F-Gas and PFAS regulations influence refrigerant choices and system.   design.

  • Explore the future direction of the heat pump and chiller market across key sectors                
Daikin_Icons_Cold_RGB_2024_Ten year time

Learn how to specify multipurpose systems that are efficient, flexible, and future-ready.        

Daikin_Icons_Cold_RGB_2024_Easy fresh air unit integration

Gain insight into practical system solutions for new builds, retrofits, and cascade designs.       

Daikin_Icons_Cold_RGB_2024_Maximum safety

What Will You Learn?

The Transition to New Refrigerants

Overview of F-Gas regulation revisions and PFAS restrictions

Implications for refrigerants like R134a, R410A, R1234ze and their alternatives

What refrigerants will be viable beyond 2025 and 2027?

The rising importance of lower GWP and non-fluorinated refrigerants

The Market Today – Challenges and Innovation

  • High GWP refrigerant pricing pressures

  • The growing role of reclaimed refrigerants

  • Innovation in refrigerant-compatible components

  • Impact of geopolitical events on energy supply and heat pump adoption

Alternative Solutions for Net Zero Goals

  • ntegrated system design (e.g. cascade systems combining air-source and water-source HPs)

  • Bivalent system design and decarbonisation of old heating systems

  • Performance expectations in winter and summer seasonal operation

  • How to meet 80% carbon reduction targets by 2050 through smart HVAC design

Design, Maintenance and Market Challenges

Selecting for performance, compatibility and long-term operation

The role of system monitoring and maintenance in high-efficiency installations

Supply chain, component, and engineering skill challenges in the current market

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