Daikin Applied UK achieves Excellence award for health and wellbeing

Daikin Applied UK Ltd is very proud to have achieved our 'Maintaining Excellence' award with Better Health @ Work.

Our dedicated HR team have put the health and wellbeing of Daikin Applied UK staff at the forefront, not just around pandemic issues, but also tackling general issues such as healthy eating, stress and mental health.

Topics addressed by Daikin Applied:

  • Healthy eating and weight management
  • Cancer awareness
  • Stress and mental health
  • Infection control issues (flu, covid, norovirus etc.)
  • Gambling and its impacts on financial and mental wellbeing
  • Physical activity linked with other health topics, specifically MSK disorders, backpain and mental health

Daikin Applied have generated a positive culture of health and wellbeing amongst its staff, with a variety if initiatives. These include:

  • The encouragement of daily walks and breaks away from the computer screen
  • Sharing and suggesting local walks for the family to enjoy and local outdoor activities
  • The availability of an onsite nurse to administer free flu vaccinations to any member of staff who wants it
  • Health and safety training for all staff with specific training and support around posture
  • Implementation of a wellbeing group for managers and supervisors
  • Sponsored charity events such as Tough Mudder
  • Shared healthy eating ideas and meal ideas with links to healthy family friendly recipes
  • Know your macros campaign showing the breakdown of common foods to show people exactly what they were consuming
  • Participated in No Smoking Day on 10th March and the national Stoptober campaign utilising the downloadable materials from the Stoptober website
  • Deliver awareness campaigns across various areas ranging from Skin, Testicular and Bowel Cancer
  • Covid related issues such as loneliness issues and vaccinations
  • Participated in Mental Health Awareness Week annually, sending out weekly emails addressing issues such as debt and loneliness and shared details of free training to staff through TUC, plus links to charities and support groups such as MIND
