Do we need an inverter cooling if only a constant load is required?

Unfortunately, there are myths around in the industry; in fact no sector is immune to. Daikin believe they can do their part by putting their expertise and knowledge and provide clarity. To clear up these misbeliefs, Daikin have created a series of the most common myths in the industry and are going to be MYTH BUSTING.

There are many myths in the commercial heating, cooling and ventilation sector (HVAC), and Daikin would like to help people recognise what is true and what is not. It is well known that the Inverter is an electronic power component that, varying the frequency of the motor power supply, modulates the compressor rotational speed (RPM) and in turn, controls the compressor capacity.

Read more here about the benefits of using inverter technology

This technology is often thought as being responsible for helping chillers and heat pumps deliver highly efficient performances, particularly when it comes to part load efficiency. It is often thought that this technology is not necessary in applications that only require constant load.

For instance, we don’t need inverter chillers for process cooling as only constant load is required, and the unit(s) will never have to operate at partial load.

Is this TRUE or FALSE?

The answer is false.

Applications such as data centers, food processing or projects that require cooling of industrial machinery are usually thought of as requiring constant cooling/heating loads during the year. However that does not mean the chiller will operate in the same conditions throughout the entire year. In fact, to ensure that the load request in applications such as data centers or food processing is always satisfied, the chiller is designed to provide the appropriate cooling capacity in the worst operating condition for the specific climate region (design conditions). But while the load request is constant during the year, the ambient temperature is not.

The chosen unit must be able to provide the required capacity at design condition, whilst for majority of the year it will operate at different (more favourable) outdoor ambient temperature conditions than those specified as design conditions. This will require the chiller to operate at part load for some of the year and this is exactly why Inverter technology might still be required in applications that need constant cooling/heating loads during the year. Because during those times of the year, the chiller will operate at conditions differing to that at design, it will also perform differently in terms of energy efficiency without the help of inverter technology.

Here is an example!

Let’s consider the application of fresh milk storage. Milk is produced all year round, and the application is one that requires constant cooling load. Considering a 3,000 kW system with 3 chillers, each delivering 1000 kW of cooling capacity. Daikin Inverter technology ensures a far better performance than fixed speed technology, which also translates into substantial savings on operating costs.

See the number below!

South Europe 262542 kWh/year 39460 EUR/year 8 months
Central Europe 251770 kWh/year 25177 EUR/year 12 months
North Europe 223752 kWh/year 13716 EUR/year 22 months

Are you working on a project requiring Inverter technology for greater energy efficiency? Then, get in touch with the form below!
