Concealed flexi type unit BLDC fan motor unit for horizontal or vertical concealed mounting
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BLDC Floor standing unit

• Cooling capacity range: 1.5 - 4.6 kW
• 8 sizes for 2 pipe and 4 sizes for 4 pipe


• Cabinet composed of a steel sheet panel (thickness 10/10 mm), side panels and air outlet grille (swinging by 180°) built from ABS. The side doors make it possible to access the technical compartments and the control panel (accessory).
• Bearing structure built from galvanized steel sheet (thickness up to 10/10 mm), insulated by means of Class 1 self-extinguishing panels.
• Double suction centrifugal fans, statically and dynamically balanced, directly connected to the electrical motor, made with antistatic ABS, with blades having an airfoil section and offset modules, or aluminium.
• Honey-comb polypropylene washable air filter, mounted on a galvanized sheet frame protected by a net, easily removable far maintenance operations.
• High efficiency heat exchanger/s made with copper piping and aluminium fins blocked to pipings by mechanical expansion, provided with brass manifolds and air vent valves. The heat exchanger/s usually come with water connections mounted on the left, but it can be turned by up to 180° according to the selected model.


• Cabinet composed of a steel sheet panel (thickness 10/10 mm), side panels and air outlet grille (swinging by 180°) built from ABS. The side doors make it possible to access the technical compartments and the control panel (accessory).

Certified in accordance with the Eurovent Certification Program.
Certified units may be found in the Eurovent website at www.eurovent-certification.com

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